Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Whale Watch

(The first thing this morning was to fire up my computer and go grab my much needed first cup of coffee.)

A beluga whale, whose normal range is the Arctic Circle, has somehow found its way into the Delaware River, making it as far north as Trenton. They are extremely social and are curious about humans, often swimming up to boats. The Coast Guard is watching the whale to make sure boaters and others leave it alone.

The whale appears to be in good health.

If you think of a good nickname for the stranded whale, please let me know. (Researchers in Quebec believe the whale hails from the St. Lawrence River and is a nearly 30-year-old male named Helis. --4/15/05)

Footnote: "Trenton Makes The World Takes," a sign on a nearby Delaware span, could more aptly proclaim that "Trenton Knows The Whale Blows."

As of 4/20/05, it appears that Helis is outta here. The Coast Guard operations center reported that its pilots had not seen the whale.

As of 4/28/05, it appears again that the whale is back. It turned up yesterday in the Schuylkill River. The return visit must mean the eating is good!


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